News from AMTRA
AMTRA searching for 8 new Council Representatives
The Animal Medicines Training Regulatory Authority (AMTRA) has
opened nominations for Council representatives, who are elected by RAMAs to
represent those working in the industry.
The AMTRA Council advises both the Board and the AMTRA
secretariat on a range of issues that impact Registered Animal Medicines
Advisors (RAMAs/SQPs) and, to make sure RAMAs’ voices are heard, a number are
represented on the Council.
The terms of the current members will conclude at the end of
2022, and, while AMTRA is hoping that those who are eligible to stand for a
second three-year term, will do so, there will also be some vacancies.
This year, AMTRA has decided to increase the number of elected
RAMA representatives to eight, compared to six in previous years. There will
now be two RAMAs representing each of the RAMA categories – Farm Animal, Equine,
Companion Animal and Veterinary Practice.
In addition, there will also be a further four
representatives appointed by the Chair of Council, ensuring that all voices and
areas of the industry are covered.
Commenting on the role of Council representatives, John
Blackwell, AMTRA Vice-Chair and AMTRA Council Chair says, “The inclusion of RAMAs
who are working ‘on the front line’ is, for me, crucial in formulating strategy
and policy, bringing current ideas to the table and helping the Council make
good decisions.”
"It’s important that all areas of our industry are
represented, and by further increasing the number of RAMAs on council, we are
gold-plating and increasing the breadth and depth of the council.
“We encourage an open flow of communication, in both directions, but there’s scope to make of the role whatever you wish, and RAMAs may have some ideas we haven't thought of,“ he adds.
As an independent, not-for-profit organisation, AMTRA has a duty
to support the work, training and opportunities of all AMTRA RAMAs across all
species. Quarterly council meetings provide the opportunity for RAMAs to feed
back issues or challenges they, or their fellow colleagues may be facing in
their daily role.
The representative role, at its most basic, is to attend
(via Zoom) four meetings per year, lasting 2-3 hours, and to contribute to
these in a meaningful way. Throughout the year, representatives may be expected
to respond to occasional emails or correspondence from AMTRA staff on various
RAMAs interested in becoming one of eight elected Council representatives should contact Stephen Dawson, AMTRA Secretary General on 01359 245801. Nominations can be made by sending an email to [email protected], explaining in 250 words, to fellow RAMAs, why they would be suitable for the role. Nominations can be made before 15 November.
Elsewhere, AMTRA is currently recruiting for a Deputy CEO. The new role will involve all aspects of the work of AMTRA, acting as deputy to the Secretary General. For more information on the role, please email [email protected]. The closing date for applications is 20 October 2022.