The AMTRA Register is a list of those Registered Animal Medicines Advisors (RAMAs, also known as SQPs) meeting AMTRA's requirements and thus those of the DEFRA Secretary of State to act as a Suitably Qualified Person (SQP) under the Veterinary Medicines Regulations and the associated SQP Code of Practice.
People gain entry to the AMTRA Register by passing exams approved by the AMTRA Board. It is a requirement to keep up to date with CPD as specified by AMTRA, to pay an annual fee, and to act in a professional manner including acting consistent with the SQP Code of Practice. People may therefore be removed from this Register for non-compliance with AMTRA's CPD obligations, for failure to pay their annual fee, or as a result of certain findings by the AMTRA Professional Standards Committee.
This Register is provided regularly to VMD by AMTRA, but the AMTRA website list is live data, and so will be more up to date than any published by VMD - in case of any difference, the AMTRA list is correct.
Each person on the AMTRA Register is given an "AMTRA Number" which includes a two or three letter prefix. That prefix indicates in which categories a person is registered and thus entitled to prescribe and supply medicines:
- QA: Avians only
- QC: Companion animals only
- QCA: Avians and companion animals
- QE: Equines and companion animals
- QEA: Equines, companion animals and avians
- QJ: Equines only
- QJA: Equines and avians
- QG: Farm animals and equines
- QK: Farm animals and companion animals
- QL: Farm animals only
- QR: All species