News from AMTRA
Veterinary Medicines Regulations
A big focus in March was the AMTRA response to the long anticipated Proposed Veterinary Medicine Regulations and the Consultation We capitalised on the VMD workshops during the consultation period submitting a document that was just under 20 pages representing key points relevant to SQP/RAMAs.
In summary AMTRA welcomes the recording of receipt and supply of prescription products. We believe this will underpin good prescribing practice and supports a sound interaction between the prescriber and animal owner with the right product prescribed for the right condition and the right advice given on correct storage and administration. With respect to prescription AMTRA argues the word "oral" should be deleted, so that electronic prescriptions are not inadvertently excluded.
AMTRA argued against restrictions on advertising and would like to preserve the right to advertise, educate and inform farmers and professional keepers with balanced information and solutions by suppliers, manufacturers and relevant groups such as SCOPS, NOAH, RUMA, COWS etc. AMTRA is concerned about possible unintended consequences and feels the proposed changes would have a negative impact.
AMTRA also raised concerns about the restriction that all future immunological products which would include all vaccines be only POM-V. AMTRA argues the value of the POM-VPS categorisation for relevant future vaccines and that SQP/RAMAs are a vital key in disease prevention and a one health approach. AMTRA also put forward arguments for animal welfare and the role of SQP/RAMAs in this.