News from AMTRA
AMTRA provides new CPD resource for RAMAs
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is compulsory for all AMTRA RAMAs (Registered Animal Medicines Advisors/SQPs).
CPD helps RAMAs keep themselves up to date, which is appropriate to a professional group of animal medicine advisors. Additionally, AMTRA is required by law to ensure that those on the AMTRA Register undertake CPD.
AMTRA RAMAs can gain CPD points from whatever type of AMTRA-accredited CPD suits them best.
Although many CPD events have been cancelled, there is still a wide variety of online CPD available. AMTRA has also recently created this CPD document, providing a detailed summary of where RAMAs can find up-to-date CPD. A physical copy of this document has been sent to all registered AMTRA RAMAs.
Click here to download the CPD document ⬇️